Aeromint - Dance Studio Landing Page Template

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Created: Nov 27, 2019

Updated: Nov 27, 2019

ID: 90260

og体育首页ONE - Unlimited Downloads for $12.40/mo

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Aeromint - Dance Studio Landing Page Template - Features Image 1Aeromint - Dance Studio Landing Page Template - Features Image 2Aeromint - Dance Studio Landing Page Template - Features Image 3Aeromint - Dance Studio Landing Page Template - Features Image 4Aeromint - Dance Studio Landing Page Template - Features Image 5Aeromint - Dance Studio Landing Page Template - Features Image 6Aeromint - Dance Studio Landing Page Template - Features Image 7Aeromint - Dance Studio Landing Page Template - Features Image 8Aeromint - Dance Studio Landing Page Template - Features Image 9

Efficient Dance Studio Landing Page

A dance studio landing page is a powerful solution that can promote your dance studio or courses. Dancing is popular all over the world and you can find students for your dance school anywhere. But, at first, you have to overcome your competitors and create an atmosphere of trust. And if you run a dance studio for some time you probably know how hard it is.

Creating an appealing website for a dance studio will help you create a good first impression. Moreover, you can tell more about your dance classes. With such a website, clients from all around the world will be able to find you. However, it is not enough to create a website filled with information. It has to be a reliable online tool with an attractive and suitable design. And this is why we developed the Aeromint HTML template.

Feature-rich Landing Page Template

Aeromint is a dancing landing page template with a compact structure. It provides your clients with simple navigation. With its help, you can give all the required facts & information about your trainers. Besides, you can also provide your clients with contacts. Our template also has a wide range of other awesome features including:

  1. Cross-browser support;
  2. Stick-to-top menu;
  3. Gallery;
  4. Optimized for speed;
  5. Responsive layout built with Bootstrap 4.

You can also play with the design to make this template suitable for your dancing studio. Editing any part of our dance studio landing page is simple, too. You can decorate your website with included rich UI kit, CSS3 animations, and transitions. And of course, as any good HTML landing page template, Aeromint supports high-quality images.

Reliable Coding & 24/7 Support

Many other minor features like contact forms, included SCSS & Pug files, Google Maps, and other features will help you with the development of a user-friendly website. Due to W3C Valid and SEO-ready code, you can rely on this template. Thanks to its responsiveness, your website will be displayed properly on any device.

To give you more than just a functional dancing studio landing page template, we supplied it with easy-to-read documentation. It describes everything you need to know about Aeromint in detail. If you need additional help, feel free to contact our 24/7 professional support team.

1 Reviews for this product

Excelente plantilla , muy modificable, me encanto, todo muy bien comentado

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4.1 /5
Support rating (276 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 201 4 12 3 6 2 6 1 51
Response Time: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
